Sunday, April 5, 2009

I just finished watching the news. One thing truly striked me on todays edition, Canada has a Minister of Foreign Affairs (I knew he existed, but I thought he was just a ghost, a leyend). His name is Lawrence Cannon, he has a lot of family pedigree, which may justifiy him having such a job. Now I know I dont know him, but with his choice of words I arrived to the conclusion of his imcompetence. A day after North Korean lauched a missile that flew right trough a country, Japan, most people in this planet took a stand, either con or not. On the one side the americans and europeans with the nays, on the other, the regular culprits, China and Russia, with the yays. But what does Mister Cannon does, as a representative of Canada, he decides to take the middle road. Yes, he is a bisexual, the quintesential country/men that doesn't have the balls to just pick a side. Apparently this man lives on the assumption that Canada is still "good" in the international eyes. He did not get the memo that we have been in the Afghan war for quite some time, and to our shame both our Prime Minister and Oposition Leader support the war in Iraq, or anywhere that the americans decide to do a war against. So is not enough that we have to carry the stupidity of our leaders, now we have to suffer the stupidity of Ministers too. This man is a shame to Canada and what we stand for: Free medicine, oil sands, and a star on the American flag!

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